Archaeological Find In North America Shakes Up History Books
"We have a history supported from Western science and archaeology."

Many of us have grown up with the widely accepted theory that the first inhabitants of North America made their way from Asia, traversing a vast land bridge that once connected the two continents. However, recent archaeological discoveries are painting a more nuanced picture of this migration.
Last year, an interdisciplinary team comprised of archaeologists from the Hakai Institute, University of Victoria, and representatives from local First Nations embarked on an excavation on Triquet Island, located off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. What they found there has the potential to reshape our understanding of early North American settlement patterns.
During their meticulous dig, the team unearthed an array of artifacts that shed light on the lives of those who lived thousands of years ago. Among the discoveries were remnants of charcoal, indicative of ancient hearths, alongside tools that speak to the ingenuity of these early peoples.
Fish hooks, carefully crafted spears designed for marine hunting, and a hand drill used for igniting fires were among the significant finds. These items not only demonstrate the resourcefulness of early North Americans in adapting to their coastal environment but also suggest a thriving, established community.
This remarkable site on Triquet Island is now recognized as one of the oldest known human settlements in North America. The evidence gathered there challenges previous notions about the pathways and timelines of human migration into the continent, suggesting that coastal routes may have played a crucial role in the peopling of the Americas.
Upon examining the charcoal, the team approximated the founding of the ancient village to be between 13,613 and 14,086 years ago. To put it in perspective, this timeframe predates the existence of the Pyramids of Giza by a significant margin.

Archaeologists propose that humans traversed British Columbia on foot following the land bridge crossing, yet the unearthing of this ancient village indicates an earlier migration along the coastline.

For generations, the indigenous Heiltsuk Nation has maintained that their ancestors inhabited the strip of land where the excavation occurred during the last Ice Age. Now, armed with evidence supporting their assertions, they are fortified in their struggle for land rights.

“When we do go into negotiations, our oral history is what we go to the table with,” William Housty, a member of the Heiltsuk Nation, told CBC News. “So now we don’t just have oral history, we have this archaeological information. It’s not just an arbitrary thing that anyone’s making up…We have a history supported from Western science and archaeology.”

Turns out, the first North Americans might not have just been early adopters of the land bridge trend but possibly coastal cruisers with a knack for sea-side living. So, next time you're beachcombing, remember—you might just be walking in the ancient footsteps of history's original beach bums.
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