10+ Times America Tried To Roast Canada And Got Obliterated Into Oblivion

Don't mess with Canada!

  • Published in Funny
10+ Times America Tried To Roast Canada And Got Obliterated Into Oblivion

Canadians are famous for being extremely nice and very apologetic, they're some of the friendliest people on this planet but once they feel like they're getting attacked, they won't go easy on you at all! 

Americans always try to roast other nations on the internet, and most of the time they succeed, but once they attempt to do the exact same thing to Canada, Canadians always come very prepared to the roast session and fire back twice as hard. If you were ever doubting Canada's roast skills you might want to check out the interaction in the screenshots below. Canadians are on fire!

1. Au revoir America!

1. Au revoir America!the-random-thought-caravan

2. That was cold! Just like Canada's weather

2. That was cold! Just like Canada's weatherilovemakeupbaybeh

3. Okay what is going on here

3. Okay what is going on heremadness-shared-by-2

4. Canada is way too sassy for their own good

4. Canada is way too sassy for their own goodprokopetz

5. People are already taking the bait

5. People are already taking the baitstabs


6. Ya hear that? FREE MOTHERF***G HEATHCAREswarleyu

7. Good point tbh

7. Good point tbhthathilariousasian

8. That is so accurate

8. That is so accuratethedailylaughs

9. It's not me America, it's you

9. It's not me America, it's youloomn

10. Too much America, too much...

10. Too much America, too much...Boredpanda

11. It's a no-brainer

11. It's a no-brainerpinkhairedlesbianadventures

12. Canada is the favorite child

12. Canada is the favorite childamejizutoproductions

13. What the hell is going on

13. What the hell is going onTwitter

14. I don't think you'd fit in there

14. I don't think you'd fit in thererebellloudwiththecrowd

15. Hell ya Canada

15. Hell ya Canadamendingsmiles