10+ Of The Most Epic Roasts On Tumblr Ever
Tumblr users apply their quick wit skills to really roast each other and it's hilarious.

For every time that someone says or does something totally stupid, we have all wanted to make a snide or hilarious comment to make the most of the situation. Yet most of the time we just keep our jokes to ourselves.
Then there is Tumblr, where they don't hold back. If you say something ridiculous you'll definitely hear about it and as if your original post wasn't funny enough for the rest of us, the epic roast that follows by the wittiest Tumblr users is utterly hysterical.
Tumblr users are frequently known for their ability to expertly sling puns and see every situation outside the box so it shouldn't really surprise any of us that they are also basically experts at roasting each other.
Either way, we cannot stop laughing.
Accidentally asked for it?

False equivilancies.
Don't even try to make one with a Tumblr user. You'll look 10x dumber than usual.
Taking just-shower-thoughts down a notch
GASP, we didn't think we would see the day.

Valid point made.
I mean, why hasn't anyone mentioned this before?!

Big fat phony.
Tumblr will always call you out on your shit, yo.
Bad solutions deserve call outs.
One letter verses extra zeros? I think we all know the solution.

The great chonce.
Typos have no place on the Internet.

This is an epic burn.

Walked right into that one.

An epic tale.
This whole thing is priceless.
Only one person here really has them.
Barn Owl
If this doesn't make you cackle then you might not have a sense of humor.

This moment brought to you by Sherlock and it's super bizarre fandom.

The Unusual Activist
See what happens when you share bad ideas? That's right, bad things.

Roast served with a spot of tea.
Don't mess with the Brits.
Pink is my favorite color.
It's not a phase, mom.
The great conundrum.