50 Funniest Examples Of Extreme Laziness In Action
See how far some will go to avoid work—it's surprisingly brilliant.

Everyone has those days when laziness takes over. Maybe you leave the dishes for “tomorrow” or keep putting off doing the laundry.
But some people take laziness to a whole new level. For them it’s all about avoiding work but also finding clever ways to get things done without lifting a finger.
One common form of extreme laziness is not cleaning up after yourself. Instead of washing dishes after a meal, some people just let them sit, hoping they’ll clean themselves. Laundry might sit in piles for days, and instead of folding clothes, they might toss them into a corner.
These habits can turn simple tasks into big problems, and it becomes easier to avoid them altogether. But some lazy people aren’t just avoiding work—they’re finding clever ways to get around it.
For example, instead of walking to the kitchen, they’ll get snacks delivered to their bed. Some even find shortcuts, like moving their chair to get a better view instead of opening the blinds.
It’s surprising how creative laziness can be. In some cases, people use technology to do the work for them. Smart home devices and timers can do tasks like cleaning or adjusting the temperature, so you don’t have to.
If you're unsure what type of laziness we discuss, check out the list below. It demonstrates some of the worst (best?) examples of people being lazy.
You won't believe the lengths people go to avoid work.

"Parents Who Raise Their Kids Saying It's Okay To Leave A Library Like This"

"My Mom And I Went To Berlington For Shoes And Found Out That Nobody Cares About Human Decency There"

"People Who Leave Perishable Food In Store Shelves"

"If You’re A Parent And Let Your Kids Make A Mess Like This Then You’re A Piece Of Sh**"

"People Who Constantly Block The Isles Of Stores To Stand Around And Chat"

"My Parents Are The Reason Why I Hate Smoking"

"Landlord Hired A Guy To Power Wash The Stairs"


"I Mean You Did Buy A Ticket But…"

"My Boyfriend Throws His Empty Water Bottles Behind The Bed"

"This Might Be The Most Lazy Person I’ve Seen"

"You Shouldn’t Shop If You Can’t Return Your Carts In Designated Areas And Leave It Near Disabled Parking"

"Courtesy Of Our Scum Neighbors"

"This Guy Ignored No Entry Sing And Drove On Wooden Pier, Because He Was Too Lazy To Carry Stuff On His Dolly. Pier Has To Be Closed For Structural Inspection"

"Someone In Denver Blocked The Platte River Trail Today With Their Car"

"Why Are Loud Video/Speaker Phone Calls Now A Spectator Sport In Public?"

"If You Do This, Screw You. Walk Back To The Cooler"

"I'm Going To Open The Store And I Find This. You Have To Be An Idiot"

"I Collect Carts At Walmart. Please Stop Being Lazy And Return Your Cart To Where It Belongs"

"My Dad Hung Up A Photo"

"A Customer Tried It On Their Dog And Put It Back On The Shelf"

"If You Leave Your Mess Like This - You’re Trash"

"Is It So Hard To Throw It In The Trash?"

"Lazy Gross Roommate (Slight Rant)"


"Lazy Mofos Who Don't Put Weights Back"

"Why Do People Do This, Especially In Smaller Stores""

"Nothing Like A Smashed Toilet In The Middle Of The Sidewalk To Remind Me What A Lovely Neighbourhood I Live In"

"Dear Mailman, Don’t Do Me Like This Again"

"57 Boxes Of Cancer Dialysis Solution Wasted"

"People Leaving The Theatre And Leaving Their Rubbish When There’s Empty Bins On The Way Out"

"I Refilled The Soap, Boss"

"Someone Tried On All These Shoes And Left Them On The Floor"

"He's Just Lazy"

"Just Discovered This Subreddit; Here's My Former Housemates Mattress From Uni, Yes He Is Lazy Enough Not To Put On A Mattress Protector"

"Being A School Janitor Sucks"

"As A Janitor This Infuriates Me More Than Most Things. ( Trash Overstuffed Cause Employees Are To Lazy To Walk Across The Room To The Empty Trashcan)"

"FedEx Ground Driver Was Too Lazy To Get His Dolly Off The Truck. Rolled My New Tool Cart End Over End Up My Driveway, Completely Destroying It. Left It Upside Down In My Porch Exactly Like This"

"How My Neighbors “Prune” The City Owned Street Trees Outside Their Houses… How It Should Look vs. How He Did It"

"Sometimes I Question The Intelligence Of People In My Office"

"My Partner Thought This Was Acceptable To Put Back In The Fridge"

"Me When I'm Lazy Doing A Job"

"My Boyfriend Made Croissants This Way.. Am I Dating A Serial Killer?"

"Found In The Break Room At Work. How Can You Be This Lazy?"

"He Is Not The Only Man Who Does This"

"Council Redid The Pavements, Not Bothering To Remove Debris Beforehand"

"The Way My Roommate Hangs His Laundry"

"My Brother Was Too Lazy To Put On A Swimsuit"

"Bought A $6k Computer And The Vendor Offered To Install The Screen Protector Leaving A Bubble Dead Center"

"Too Lazy To Pipe Out Macarons. Baked Them In A Sheet Instead"

While it’s easy to laugh at the little moments of laziness, it can quickly lead to more significant problems. Procrastination has a way of snowballing, leaving tasks to build up and adding unnecessary stress.
A bit of slack now and then isn’t the issue, but letting it go too far can throw off the balance. Staying on top of things is key to keeping life organized and stress-free.