51 Online Users Share Photos Of Funny And Epic Fail Ways To Sell A Mirror
Selling mirrors is hard, and these photos prove that.

The internet has made things easy for us, including selling those things that we no longer need. From old clothes to household items, snap a picture and you're ready to sell it on social media.
Places like Facebook revolutionized the way we buy and sell, turning our clutter into cash with just a few clicks and taps. The process has never been simpler—until you encounter the enigma that is mirror selling.
Selling mirrors may seem like a straightforward task, but ask anyone who has attempted to snap a perfect picture of one for an online listing, and they’ll likely have a hilarious tale to tell. The struggle is real when trying to showcase the mirror’s elegance while avoiding becoming an unwitting star in its reflection is a balancing act worthy of a circus performer.
Mirror selling online is indeed one heck of a hard task as the reflections have a mind of their own and turn mundane listings into sidesplitting spectacles. From photobombing pets to strangely positioned objects, these mirrors are just so good at transforming a simple task into a comedic adventure.
So, buckle up and prepare to witness the humor of the situations sellers find themselves in. Ready to laugh and learn about the quirky challenges of mirror selling?
Let’s dive in!
1. Mirror with a human stand for sale?

2. She thought she wasn't going to be in it.

3. Smile!

4. Kermit, why?

5. The whole photo looks like an avant garde painting.

6. The seller's holding the cat up. Maybe it's included?

7. Boo!

8. That is one scary mirror.

9. We get it. You don't want your face shown.

10. Seller can't wait to sell the mirror, even if there's someone there standing naked.

11. Peek-a-boo! I don't see you!

12. The mask wasn't enough. We can see the tattoos.

13. It looks like a painting.

14. "Dogs for Scale"

15. You don't get the masked guy, sorry.

16. Banana costume included?

17. Seller has a creepy collection.

18. People wouldn't be enticed.

19. That face, tho.

20. This goob boi will help get the mirror sold immediately.

21. The cat did its job.

22. As the seller was taking a photo, this happened.

23. Look at the sheer number of reflections this mirror can capture!

24. There's someone behind you!

25. That is one handsome doggo!

26. Is this person flying?

27. Now that's freaky!

28. Don't want to get seen? Use a paper bag!

29. Now if only those doggos were included.

30. Two people are better than one.

31. Little one helps out.

32. Michael Myers' side hustle.

33. That pupper may be hangry all the time, but it's not included.

34. Yee-haw!

35. That angle won't help sell it.


37. A very nice way to hide your face: Be Spiderman.

38. You can discover your best angles with this mirror.

39. This person needs to go to the restroom first before doing this job.

40. Seller clarifies that the dog isn't included.

41. They did their best not to be seen.

42. Cat appreciating its beauty.

43. See? We weren't kidding when we said that Michael Myers had a side job!

44. Seller felt the need to demonstrate. This is the result.

45. Was that intentional?

46. The best way to sell a mirror:

47. Did people fall for this?

48. That evil stare.

49. Are you selling this human? How am I supposed to appreciate my beauty in all its majesty?

50. Doggo is angry, which is probably why this mirror is getting sold.

51. He couldn't help flexing.

Seems like these folks were in such a hurry to sell that mirror, they overlooked a simple solution: checking out tutorials on photographing mirrors without catching their own reflection.
There's so many of those on YouTube and TikTok. But, oh well!
At least, the internet has another reason to chuckle as they scroll through their phones!