Here Are 40 Comebacks That Were So Savagely Funny They Were Crowned The Champions Of Banter
These people have been dragged back to earth by force!

Have you ever been in the middle of an intense disagreement, feeling as if you were a deer caught in headlights and scrambling to come up with a sharp reply? The problem is that that deft comeback doesn't always materialize when we least expect it to.
Rather, it frequently comes as a surprise to us. Have we not all been there before?
Let's honor the bantering champions today, though as we present the r/MurderedByWords subreddit. They are a veritable gold mine of "well-constructed put-downs, comebacks, and counter-arguments."
"The way we see it, a murder should (but doesn't always have to) be more than a quick response or retort. The best murders are well-constructed, thought-out responses that leave the opening argument completely without any ability to reply. In other words, their point has been totally demolished.
Now, obviously, there's more than one way to murder with words, and sometimes a quick rapier thrust or stab to the heart (a short, swift reply) can be just as deadly as a drawn-out murder, and you'll frequently see both types in this sub," the moderators say.
We've compiled some of the most creative ways people have resolved conflicts. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready to master the skill of elegantly winning a dispute.
1. Brutal Takedown With An Incredibly Accurate Burn

2. Without Support From Mom And Dad

3. On A Post Discussing Those Creepy Children's Beauty Pageants In The Us And Diddling Kids

4. Breed Some Friends

5. Musk Fan Getting M**dered

6. Aussies Would Like To Have A Word

7. The Response To A Hateful Lady, Starts Out Pretty Strong, Loses Me A Bit In The Middle, And Then Ends With A Boom

8. Is It Possible To M**der Future Children With Words?

9. It’s Okay Jesse

10. Science V Politics V Religion

Although vicious insults can be amusing on the internet, when you debate with someone in person, things go differently. Instead of tearing each other down as the tension builds and the reactions get very personal, you may find yourself looking for areas of agreement.
11. Look Who Just Discovered Consent

12. Idk If Repost But

13. What's Your Excuse?

14. He Seems To Be Struggling

15. A Congratulations At Least

16. Cyanide Is Biologically Natural

17. Capitalism Is Love, Capitalism Is Life

18. Red State vs. Blue State Problems

19. You're A Figment Of Imagination

20. They Didn't See This One Coming

It didn't take long for the subreddit r/MurderedByWords, which was founded in 2016, to gain a sizable following. They have an astounding 2.9 million members at the moment who appreciate and share the craft of deft comebacks.
21. Twitter Is Amazing... Random Person Explaining An Astronaut How Space Works

22. Largest Landowner Gets Owned

23. Transphobic Aunt Called Out By An Actual Good Twitter User Vaush

24. Remember When People Hid Their Bigotry?

25. Parental Disparages

26. Seriously? Ireland?!

27. Must Be Icing Themselves After That Roasting

28. In Response To Putting Down American Olympic Champions

29. Apparently Stars Are The Work Of The Devil

30. People In Glass Houses Shouldn‘T Throw Stones

31. Courage Is All You Need? Huh?

32. M**dered By Tasty Words

33. Self-Made Success Story

34. Yes, She Deserves Better

35. One Hour Dry Burgers

36. It's Not The Piece Of Plastic

37. Grandma's Taking No Prisoners

38. Your Personal Life Is Your Own, You Don't Owe Anyone An Answer

39. Tate Exposed As A Submissive Beta

40. When Trying To Be An As**ole Misfires

Unexpected arguments can arise with strangers you've just met as well as with friends, family, coworkers, and partners. Regaining control over your emotions is not always simple when they are running high.
Still, under these kinds of circumstances, it would be prudent to use moderation and self-control. Leave your thoughts about this comebacks in the comments section and share with your loved ones too.