Game of Thrones Reveals That Their Actors Wore IKEA Rugs As Capes
The SKOLD rugs are cut, shaved, and given leather straps to make the actors the best-looking capes this side of the wall, well, the warmest looking at least. And now in true IKEA style...

Are you ready for winter? Have you got your boots, your swords, and your capes ready? IKEA is here to help.
It was revealed last year by Game Of Thrones costume designer Michelle Clapton that this whole time our favorite capes from the Night's Watch have really been made out of $79 IKEA rugs. The SKOLD rugs are cut, shaved, and given leather straps to make the actors the best-looking capes this side of the wall, well, the warmest looking at least. And now in true IKEA style, they have released a super simple set of instructions on how to get your hands on one of these capes, without having to vow your life to the Night's Watch.
Look at these rugs! So warm and innocent looking. Who would have known they dress the men in black!

And because so many people loved them IKEA released some instructions to help you get the look

Simply cut a hole that is big enough to fit your head through...

Slip it on over your shoulders...

And prepare for battle along side the guardians of the wall!

Now you know everything, Jon Snow.


There are some amazing things at Ikea. It's actually one of my favorite places to shop! Another place I love to get random, awesome, beautiful and quirky things is Amazon. You need to check out these weird things that are going viral on Amazon right now.