This Girl Shows The Internet What It's Like To Be An 'Adult Baby' In A Relationship
We're not sure what to think

Listen, everyone loves to be babied from time to time but how about being treated like a legit baby. Like diapers, bottles, the whole nine yards. 23-year-old Jess knows firsthand what it's like to live as a full-grown adult baby. Her YouTube Channel has grabbed the attention of many followers, 160,000 to be exact, by documenting her life as an adult baby through videos.
She shares everything from her bedtime routine to her relationship with her boyfriend named Stephen. Jess totally understands that her lifestyle is not for everyone and can possibly make some people very uncomfortable. However, she thinks it's important for people to realize she is still a person and lives a normal life.
Jess, a 23-Year-Old Adult Baby
Weird, right?
Jess lives a normal, adult life during the day in which she works a full-time job, promotes her YouTube channel, and various other things. She has a website, which she works on often and has a wide variety of typical hobbies for a 23-year-old woman. She notes, "That's one of the biggest misconceptions, with people telling me that I'm not an adult - I don't have a job, I think I'm a baby, I don't do anything, I can't take care of myself, but a lot of the time I'm very independent. I can cook my own meals, I drive, I do laundry, I dress myself, I take care of myself."
Jess's involvement in the ABDL, or adult baby/diaper lover lifestyle, is just a part of her daily life as well as her relationship.
"I've been with my current boyfriend now for almost a year. It's definitely a lot different to my previous relationship because I have a boyfriend now who actually cares about it like I do. It is a daily thing, but it's not an all-day constant."
"When we're not interacting in that way, we have a perfectly normal, healthy relationship. Obviously, there's more to it than just that - I don't think anyone could stay in a relationship based off of just one thing."
Jess Stands By The Fact Being an Adult Baby is Just a Part of Her Life
Not the whole thing
Jess explains that Adult Baby lifestyle provides somewhat of an extra dynamic for her relationship and is a great way to make her boyfriend feel needed and special. "So it's kind of give and take. It's perfect in a way, because what he wants to give me I want to take from him, and vice versa."
Jess With Her Boyfriend
On a normal day, not dressed as an adult baby
Jess claims that she has a great deal of support from her followers and the online community in general but she has received a lot of harsh criticism for living her life as an adult baby. People have said that her boyfriend is abusive, sick-minded and that he is a pedophile, however, Jess stands by the fact that he is an amazing man with no ulterior motives.
She explains, "The whole appeal to people with ADBL or DDLG dynamics or anything like that is that you are an adult and you're submitting your control so totally to this dominant person, that you're making yourself as vulnerable as a child. It's just like, 'Oh, you're trusting me so much that you're willing to regress to such a vulnerable stage'. That's what is appealing to him. That you're basically submitting entirely."
Jess's Boyfriend Reads to Her and Comforts Her

Jess has dealt with sexual abuse throughout her life and she urges people to understand that it has nothing to do with why she has chosen to become involved with the adult baby lifestyle. She stands by the fact that there are a large number of people who do not have any sort of sexual trauma or issues of the like who are also involved with the lifestyle.
Jess In Her Diaper
Work it girl.