Grandma Accidentally Buys A Hilariously Inappropriate Book For Her Grand Daughter

One grandma learned to open the books she buys after buying a totally inappropriate book.

  • Published in Funny
Grandma Accidentally Buys A Hilariously Inappropriate Book For Her Grand Daughter

At some point in your life, you've probably heard the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover" and well, even though its corny and annoying, the saying more often than not proves to be right. This story is the perfect example why! The story begins when a loving Grandmother was shopping in a Barnes and Nobel store and wanted to buy her Grand Daughter, a cute little book called "If Animals Could Talk". Harmless enough, right?


Once six-year-old Emmersyn sat down with her dad to read the book it became very clear that this tale was not for children. With pages covered in pictures of Polar bears with coke problems, well-endowed horses, and a generally foul-mouthed Weiner dog, this cute storybook was hilariously inappropriate.

Luckily for the public, Emmersyn's mom shared the photos to Twitter for us all to enjoy.

Looks like a cute and innocent book, right? Maybe not...

And it gets worse...

But honestly, it's also totally hilarious!

And no one knew! Luckily, when looking at the book, the 6-year-old didn't understand a thing...

And Grandma, Mom, and Dad all learnt a great lesson!

The tweet has quickly gone viral, with over 90,000 retweets and over 250,000 favourites!

The internet is LOVING this book!

Make sure you check it out for yourself!
