Doctor Reveals Surprising Hack To Banish Those Pesky Hiccups

A proven scientific method that delivers results instantly.

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Doctor Reveals Surprising Hack To Banish Those Pesky Hiccups

Hiccups; we’ve all been there. One minute, you're enjoying a meal; the next, you're convulsing like a malfunctioning robot, trying to stifle that repetitive “hic” sound. It's one of life's most minor but most irritating inconveniences. 

So, what exactly are hiccups? According to the Cleveland Clinic, hiccups are essentially involuntary spasms of your diaphragm, paired with the characteristic "hic" sound caused by your vocal cords snapping shut. They can be triggered by a variety of things, from eating too quickly to indulging in spicy foods or carbonated drinks. 

But what if I told you there's a quick, simple fix for this age-old problem, and it involves nothing more than a dash of lemon or lime juice? Enter Dr. Jeremy London, a heart surgeon from Savannah, Georgia, who has taken to TikTok to share his hiccup-hacking wisdom with the world. 

With nearly 400,000 followers hanging on his every word, Dr. London has become a go-to source for quirky yet practical health advice. His latest tip? A citrusy solution that promises to stop hiccups in their tracks.

In a recent TikTok video, Dr. London revealed that dripping lemon or lime juice into the back of your throat could be the hiccup cure we've all been searching for. He confidently states that this method stops hiccups almost immediately—and many of his followers are eager to give it a try. But what’s the science behind this sour trick?

According to Dr. London, the magic may lie in stimulating the vagus nerve, a critical nerve that runs from your brain down to your diaphragm. This nerve plays a significant role in controlling the hiccup reflex, and a sudden burst of citrus might be just the thing to “reset” it. 

When life gives you hiccups, Dr. Jeremy London says, 'Just add lemon!'

Think of it as a little jolt to your system, redirecting your diaphragm's energy and silencing that pesky hiccup arc. But that’s not all. Dr. London suggests that the juice might also work by activating the muscles in the back of your throat or esophagus. 

Who knew these zesty little fruits could be your secret weapon against hiccups?

Who knew these zesty little fruits could be your secret weapon against hiccups?iStock

It's like giving your body a mini workout, prompting those muscles to flex and, in doing so, interrupting the hiccup cycle. And if none of these explanations hit home, Dr. London has one more theory up his sleeve: the juice might just be a well-timed distraction—a sensory overload that pulls your body’s attention away from the hiccups, effectively shutting them down.

Sometimes, it feels like everything leads to hiccups. Those twitchy troublemakers are relentless!

Sometimes, it feels like everything leads to hiccups. Those twitchy troublemakers are relentless!iStock

Naturally, TikTok users were quick to chime in with their own time-tested remedies. From holding your nose and ears while drinking water to biting on a lemon slice, the comment section became a bustling exchange of hiccup-curing hacks. But the consensus? Dr. London’s lemon or lime juice trick is one worth trying.

Hiccups are usually harmless and short-lived, but if they persist or frequently disrupt your life, it might be worth seeking medical advice.

In the meantime, you might want to skip the breath-holding and sugar-chomping next time you feel that first "hic" creeping up. Instead, reach for a lemon or lime—your diaphragm might just thank you!
