Famous "Catographer" Shares Some Of The Meanest-Looking Cat Portraits, And They Are Adorably Terrifying
Grumpy Cat would be proud!

While dogs are known for their panting, open-mouthed smiles, cats have a less friendly aura. Cats, in their infinite wisdom, know that not all humans can be trusted.
You have to work to earn a cat's friendship and loyalty, but, boy, is it work worth doing! Cats can be a little intimidating if you aren't familiar with them.
They are independent and confident as evidenced by their intense stares and sure movements. However, they can also be loyal and playful!
The great thing about cats is they have differing personalities. Some cat owners even say they may have too much personality, but with their regal stance, who can blame them?
Cats have been baffling humans since they domesticated themselves 9,000 years ago. Yes, while humans trained and domesticated dogs to be our companions, cats chose to be domesticated.
They decided we, humans, were worthy of their presence in our homes. These little masters have been bossing us around all these millennia, and we love them for it.
This love is clear based on the popular cats who go viral for doing things we would side-eye another human for. Some cats become famous because of their unique personalities, which are shown through their munchkin faces.
Remember Grumpy Cat? Here are some of her angry-looking descendants!
1. Catographer Nils Jacobi shares some of his favorite angry cat photos he has ever taken.

2. This selection from his collection features some of the angriest-looking cats whose stares can make any unsuspecting human (or toy) wither.

3. His followers on all social media platforms absolutely adore these photos.

4. Jacobi shares his cat photos on his accounts under the name FuzzyFritz.

5. While the finished photos are spectacular to see, Jacobi's behind-the-scene videos of "catographing" these kitties are fascinating.

6. "Why do these go hard tho?" asks one of his amused followers.

7. Despite their mean mugs, animal lovers still found the cats endearing and asked for more pictures.

8. No amount of side fang or smirk can deter humans from loving these fuzzy kitties.

9. They may come at us with claws fully flexed, but we know it's all from a place of love!

10. Even the cats are in love with their angry portraits and couldn't help but pose in front of the immortalized version of their villainy.

11. Someone claimed these angry catograph sets are perfect for when they hide under their desks and ignore their coworkers.

12. Everyone must embody this energy when faced with a difficult colleague.

13. Others wondered how Jacobi survived a photo session with these mean-looking cats when they all look like they don't shy away from using their claws.

14. Long live the legacy of Grumpy Cat! Her spirit lives on in the aura of these equally grumpy kitties.

15. Jacobi teased that a cat mugshot calendar was in the works for those who couldn't get enough of the loveable angry creatures.

Not all cats are created equal. Some are more timid-looking than others, but even the grumpiest cat deserves love.
Their smizes may imply these cats are street-hardened animals, but they are all loved by their humans. A cat that permanently looks like a villain that hides the biggest heart is irresistible, after all!