Philip, "The Sad Cat," Is Longer Upset After Reuniting With His Long-Distance Human After Two Years

"Just teleport to him and hug him please!"

  • Published in Animals
Philip, "The Sad Cat," Is Longer Upset After Reuniting With His Long-Distance Human After Two Years

Cat and animal lovers of the world couldn't help but feel sorry for Philip the kitty who has been away from his owners since the COVID-19 pandemic. The photo posted by Independent-Tap7452 of a sad-looking Philip tugged at the heartstrings.

Redditors encouraged the OP to fly home to his Kitty or teleport to him if possible. OP said he wished he could, but circumstances made their reunion impossible.

According to OP, he had to leave Philip behind when he joined his mom to go to Hong Kong, where she worked as a flight attendant. In an interview, he said they had to essentially flee from the Philippines and take refuge in Hong Kong because of the pandemic.

He and his mom were still in Hong Kong two years later after the country experienced a new surge of COVID-19 cases. Redditors wished Philip and OP a cuddly and sweet reunion.

OP said he hoped Philip would react well to their reunion, but he realistically anticipated a lot of groveling on his part to regain sad Philip's trust after two years of separation. He said he was willing to shower the kitty with a lot of love and hugs to apologize for the ordeal he had been through.

It has been a while since Philip and OP saw each other. The good thing is Philip looks cared for and loved by his guardians.

It has been a while since Philip and OP saw each other. The good thing is Philip looks cared for and loved by his guardians.Independent-Tap7452

Some commenters thought this was Philip's reaction after he saw OP and realized he was gone for two years. He looks like he is thinking, "I love you... wait a minute..."

Some commenters thought this was Philip's reaction after he saw OP and realized he was gone for two years. He looks like he is thinking, carlotta3121

Cats get a bad rep, but they aren't as unfeeling as some people make them out to be.

Cats get a bad rep, but they aren't as unfeeling as some people make them out to be.Equal-Detective357

Although some do have better memory than others. It's a cat-to-cat basis. We can't generalize all cats.

Although some do have better memory than others. It's a cat-to-cat basis. We can't generalize all cats.Mackheath1

Cats love their humans even if they aren't as affectionate as some dogs. They do know when we're gone for some time.

Cats love their humans even if they aren't as affectionate as some dogs. They do know when we're gone for some time.Warm_Balance2289

OP replied to as many comments as he could. His longing for Philip might be as strong as the cat's feelings for him.

OP replied to as many comments as he could. His longing for Philip might be as strong as the cat's feelings for him.MelRags, Independent-Tap7452

OP also said there was a chance they could return to the Philippines in a short while because they also needed to return to school.

OP also said there was a chance they could return to the Philippines in a short while because they also needed to return to school.405134, Independent-Tap7452

A Redditor was moved to write an impromptu poem about the long-distance relationship between OP and Philip.

A Redditor was moved to write an impromptu poem about the long-distance relationship between OP and Philip.SchnoodleDoodleDo

Those couple of months couldn't come fast enough for Philip the cat and his human.

Those couple of months couldn't come fast enough for Philip the cat and his human.smidge_on, Independent-Tap7452

OP kept his promise and saw Philip 4 months after his Reddit post. Who wouldn't want to go home to this face?

OP kept his promise and saw Philip 4 months after his Reddit post. Who wouldn't want to go home to this face?Independent-Tap7452

There has not been any new Philip post in OP's Reddit account. We can only guess about the cat's reaction or nonchalance when his human returned two years after an inexplicable (to Philip) disappearance.

Like Redditors, we wish OP and Philip a happy and undramatic reunification. They have been away from each other for two long years; they need time to get reacquainted with each other after being apart for so long unexpectedly.
