Newest TikTok Trend Has People Being “Demure,” And It’s Taken Over The Internet
What’s the story with this trend?

With social media there is always a new trend and something that people are obsessing over. This time, it’s “demure” which is a word that is being overused all across the internet.
Demure is now a lifestyle craze that is taking over the internet as many people are focused on being “demure” and living a lifestyle that is more mindful in the way that they present themselves. Many content creators have spoken out saying that living a more demure lifestyle means just being more modest.
More than 122,000 videos are on TikTok with the hashtag #demure which proves the popularity of this trend, phrase, and now apparent lifestyle. Many content creators have explained different examples of being demure and what this kind of lifestyle looks like.
Being demure can mean different things for different people but seeing creators run with this trend and show us what demure means is really interesting. If you want to know more about the latest hottest TikTok trend then keep on reading as we dive in and give you a full look into what creators are saying and what demure really means.
So if you’re interested, or if you just want to catch up on what some creators are saying then keep on reading.
Joel’s LeBron, a known TikTok creator, came out with a video to explain a little bit about what demure men’s to her.
Lebron’s video got 23 million views as she explains what it means to act demure. “You see how I did my makeup for work? Very demure, very mindful," she said. “I don’t look like a clown when I go to work. I don’t do too much. I’m very mindful while I’m at work."
Some people spoke out saying that they can’t stop saying “demure” and “very mindful.” Others have said that they “love this but don’t know why.”
”Today I grabbed a straw for my drink and told myself ‘very demure,” another user said.

We aren’t sure if this is a joke or not either but people are loving it either way.
“I spent my whole day thinking about whether this is serious or a joke. Not very demure or mindful of me,” one person said.
“You see how I walk through the airport? I don’t do a lot like these other girls. I get to my gate, and I get on the plane. I’m very cutesy, right, demure,” Lebron said.

Campbell Puckett, a content creator from Georgie also shared her opinion on TikTok.
She was seen in a TikTok video slicing an almond croissant and saying that it was “demure.” “You see how I eat this? I’m very modest. I’m very demure. I’m very cutesy,” she said.
“I’m not messy. I don’t like crumbs,” she added.

It seems like everyone here is jumping on the bandwagon and we don’t blame them one bit.
Zach Jelks, another content creator, took to TikTok to speak about demure to his six million followers. One video shows him ordering a “demure Chipotle order,” which got him more than three million views.
“Do you see how my Chipotle order looks edible? Do you see how you can see the contents of the bowl?” He said.
He notes that he asks for sour cream on the side instead of on top of his bowl and continues to say he only purchased a small bag of chips with it. Jelks said that his order was an example of being “demure.”

This trend is extremely popular and is many con tent creators and people are jumping onto the trend. If you’re someone who is confused about the meaning of demure and what all of this really means, then joint eh club because some people are pretty confused too.