Check Out The Dating Trend That Everyone Seems To Despise But Is Still A Hot Topic

"Gen Zs doesn't realize we already did all this stuff"

Check Out The Dating Trend That Everyone Seems To Despise But Is Still A Hot Topic

"Throning" has emerged as the newest dating fad. Have you ever heard of it?

Well, it entails establishing relationships in order to improve one's reputation. Status enhancement is the specific focus of such behavior, which is defined as using a partner for social approval.

Misaligned expectations can result in misunderstandings and emotional consequences, even though some people may consciously embrace these transactional interactions. The term "throning" describes the practice of essentially placing one's partner on a symbolic "throne" in order to showcase them to others, as opposed to showing concern for the partner as an individual.

Although the phrase "throning" has gained popularity on social media, particularly among Gen Zers, the behavior has been around for a long time.

According to Psychology Today, throning is said to be a form of hypergamy. This means "the practice of dating or marrying someone of higher status in an attempt to better one’s situation in some way."

While throning expressly seeks to improve one's reputation, hypergamy is driven by other motives. Bruce Y. Lee, a professor of Health Policy and Management at the City University of New York, wrote for Psychology Today saying:

"You are dating such-and-such-muckety-muck-big-cheese-hot-tamale so that others will, in turn, assume you are a big enchilada, too. The primary purpose of being with your partner is to bathe in the spout of their clout."

The latest trend as of the moment is what is referred to as "throning"

The latest trend as of the moment is what is referred to as Silvestre Leon/Pexels (Not the actual photo)

The professor says that throning behavior is not just found in romantic relationships. For example, some people may associate with other popular people in an attempt to gain more popularity.

Even though throning is harmless, if there is a misunderstanding and the parties are aware and clear with their attentions, issues could occur.

The professor shared these 10 signs that show you might be in a throning relationship

The professor shared these 10 signs that show you might be in a throning relationshipcottonbro studio/Pexels (Not the actual photo)
  1. They tell you they are throning you. Remember what Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
  2. They keep mentioning or asking you about your reputation. Because people tend to talk most about what they care about most.
  3. They flatter you excessively and brag about you to others. Compliments can be like sugar: sweet in reasonable quantities but icky when there’s way too much.
  4. They seem self-centered and overly concerned about their reputation. Are they all about me, me, me, or meme, meme, meme on social media?
  5. They are nicer to you in public than in private. Because they wouldn’t want others to see how they really treat you.

Throning behaviour is not limited to dating

Throning behaviour is not limited to datingcottonbro studio/Pexels (Not the actual photo)

6. They seem cold and calculating. When you are alone together, do you feel genuine warmth or a chill running down your spine?

7. They don’t seem to be interested in you as a person and don’t share much about themselves. After all, they wouldn’t want any real emotional connection to form, would they?

8. They aren’t there for you when you need them. When you are experiencing hard times, do they hardly lift a finger?

9. They seem to be very interested in the reputations of others. They may always be on the lookout for a higher rung to swing up to after you’ve served your purpose.

10. They have a history of throning. Do they go on and on about how well-known their exes were?

Mismatched expectations can lead to misunderstandings and emotional fallout

Mismatched expectations can lead to misunderstandings and emotional falloutcottonbro studio/Pexels (Not the actual photo)

People had a lot to say and here are some of them

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Influencer's income

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It's been done before

It's been done beforeKenny Lee Mcgainey

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As a result, the professor advised young couples to exercise honesty, openness, and communication, saying:

"You need to look at how can you show mutual respect, how can you build trust, how can you be open about what you need and receptive to the needs of your partner with whatever status you have designated between each other.”

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