Woman Starts Wildfires Just To Flirt With Responding Firefighters
Now this is just pure insanity on this ladies part.

There's been a lot of issues across the country with wildfires, but hearing something like this just goes to show that some people are making this issue worse purposely. With so many issues going on in the world with climate change, climate disasters, and wildfires, we can't imagine that someone could do something like this.
This story shows a woman who started two wildfires purposely and you might be surprised ot find out exactly why she did this. It's insane to think about, but this woman did this because she likes firefighters and wanted to flirt with them.
This is so unfortunate because there are a ton of things wrong with the way she's going about this, and she's also putting people in literal danger by doing this. It's quite unfortunate to see what's going on here, and she may not even be the only one doing this, which is even sadder.
We'll tell you more about the story in detail here but ultimately she is being charged and getting in trouble fo this, as she should. There are so many things wrong with this scenario.
If you're interested in hearing more about this story and what exactly happened then keep on reading as we dive into the details here.
A woman deliberately started two wildfires and not for the reason you'd expect.
There's truly no reason why you should start a wildfire, but this woman thought otherwise. A 44-year-old woman has been sentenced after allegedly setting wildfires in order to "flirt" with the firefighters who would come to the scene of the fire.
She ended up setting two separate fires so that she could talk to and flirt with the firefighters. Reports actually said that she tried to start multiple fires, but only two of them took and continued to blaze.
The woman has been given a 36-month prison sentence and a fine of €1,000 (approximately $1,106).

We really can't believe that a woman would do this, but she did.
The fire department confirmed her arrest and a statement was released about the events. “A Greek citizen, who is responsible for causing two fires on farmland, intentionally and repeatedly (on August 24th and 25th), in the area of Kerasitsa, in the Municipality of Tripoli in Arcadia," it said.
A statement revealed the reason she started the fires: "she enjoyed watching firefighters and flirting with them."

Now this isn't the outcome that we'd hoped for here.
Her prison sentence won't start right away because her prison sentence was suspended. It's said that if she commits another crime during this time then that 36 month sentence would be added to any new sentence she faces.
Both fires were confined to a small area and were controlled by firefighters. Firemen that can to the scene found it odd that she was present at them both, which is what led to the suspicions.

It is really odd that anyone would go through the trouble of creating a wildfire simply to meet the firemen, but I guess she must have been desperate. We know men in uniform can be rare, but this isn't the way to get a first date with a fireman.