Memes For People Who Have Just Discovered They're Getting Old
Did you sleep funny and put your back out? Yup, you're getting old too.

Did you suddenly wake up one morning and feel as though you're out of the loop? Suddenly you don't like modern music, your back aches, and everyone spends the day making fun of your comfy yet practical shoes? I'm really sorry to have to tell you this but those are the trademark sign that you're getting... old.
Don't worry, we all get there soon enough, but you're there right now and you might not even know it yet! Below are some fantastically funny memes to help you out on your road to aging and discovering what life is really like now that you're easing away from your youth...
I must have slept funny...

There's a pill to help with that.

Was that a fart or something worse?

Do they clean those sheets, or do they just throw them out?

Woah, wait...

Painful yet true...


I guess I'm getting old too...

Disney till Death

Ahh yes kids, you mean #Wastemytime2002

And I read Playboy for the articles...

Are they breathing?

My address is 1234 Internet Street for anyone interested.

I'll do it all at once because I can't bend over again today!

Wait, maybe I'm not old!


The 90's was PEAK FASHION

Okay now if that isn't a sign I'm not sure what is.

We'll leave it here because I'm beginning to feel personally attacked.
