Millennials Reveal 30 Old People Habits That Have Slowly Become A Normal Thing For Them
We're gradually getting quite old

Do you recall how much you used to laugh at your grandparents' early dinner times and knitting habits? Now that more of us are finding ourselves nodding in accordance with those perplexing "old people things," the joke may actually be on us.
It turns out that those senior staples might just be the hidden heroes of aging. It could be the draw of a nice early-bird deal, the unexpected appeal of slip-resistant shoes, or the indisputable pleasure of complaining about today's music.
Recently, tweets regarding "old person" habits that are gradually creeping into daily life and becoming more rational as people get older have been circulated. And it appears that most people agree that perhaps those elders were right after all.
You know that moment when you decided to cook the chicken that's been sitting in your fridge for a few days instead of ordering takeout. Yes, you're slowly slipping into that old people habits or you might be soaked in already.
Check out the list of the best things people have caught themselves saying that made them realize they're slowly knocking on middle-aged people's door. So grab your drinks and something extra to munch on as you come with us to explore the surprisingly fascinating world of "old people things."
And here's the question:

1. I'm on this table

2. I'm definitely getting old

3. Driving anything with a clutch

4. It's important to get your naps

5. Starting conversations with random people

6. My goodness, I'm just always tired and need rest

7. Turn it down very quickly

8. So many things happened back in my day

9. I thought I was the only one

10. Very much appreciated

11. Someone find me a chair very fast

12. You just have to understand me, it's hard

13. Why do you read books for entertainment?

14. This is literally me all the time

15. And you're like "they just don't know"

16. You've got to save as much as possible

17. Your internal alarm has taken care of it

18. I have to catch some sleep after all

19. I don't want to hear stories

20. Now I get it all

21. Why would you do such a thing?

22. Napping is very necessary

23. Do you also write in cursive?

24. We just have to check up on them

25. It's normal to wonder

26. Laughing at a laundry detergent commercial

27. Okay, this is way far

28. Rest is quite important

29. I can't eat dinner late

30. I just want to sit down

Every millennial has that one day and that one moment in their lives when they say something to themselves or aloud and pause for a moment in wonder. Unless you are, well, middle-aged, you could not have imagined saying whatever the sentence was.
Tell us in the comments what made you realize that you're slowly slipping into the old people habits and don't forget to share this post as well.