10+ Moms Who Shouldn't Really Be Allowed Phones

We're in the day and age where cell phones are changing more quickly than a growing child. It must be pretty daunting if you were born when cell phones were still the size of a brick. That's why it can be so funny when moms...

  • Published in Funny
10+ Moms Who Shouldn't Really Be Allowed Phones

We're in the day and age where cell phones are changing more quickly than a growing child. It must be pretty daunting if you were born when cell phones were still the size of a brick. That's why it can be so funny when moms get hold of the technology. Whether it's not understanding the new lingo that comes with texting, or actually getting a hang of it and managing to criticise your lack of friends, some moms would be better off without a mobile device. The following 13 moms are just a select few!

1. There should be classes for those who struggle.

There's nothing like a text from your mom. They have a distinct tone about them, and they only serve to make you realize that maybe... Well, maybe they should have had a helping hand before getting let loose on the world.1. There should be classes for those who struggle.

2. Maybe read up on the text language before using it....

2. Maybe read up on the text language before using it....

3. What's the point in having a phone when you forget to use it to communicate?

3. What's the point in having a phone when you forget to use it to communicate?

4. This mom has even less clue about today's technology...

It's a miracle that they can even get the mobiles running at times! Click on the next page to see some moms who might one day make progress on this hard texting business.4. This mom has even less clue about today's technology...

5. I mean, at least she's trying right?

5. I mean, at least she's trying right?

6. This win was totally a fluke

Luck was on the side of this mom, who made a stab in the dark and totally came out on top.6. This win was totally a fluke

7. The mom who just doesn't get it...

7. The mom who just doesn't get it...

8. A text you would dread to recieve.

This mom sure knows what texts to send to get what she wants. Click on the next page to see some moms who use texting just to joke with their kids.8. A text you would dread to recieve.

9. This kid was set up to fail.

9. This kid was set up to fail.

10. Some ice for that burn?

The savagery that can come when moms know what they're doing is crazy!10. Some ice for that burn?

11. How many people did she send WTF to before realizing?

11. How many people did she send WTF to before realizing?

12. That's a bit harsh...

Sometimes moms text like they're your friend, and sometimes... Well. They text like they're your enemy. Click on the next page to see a mom who just knows how the texting scene works.12. That's a bit harsh...

13. Okay, some moms have the hang of it...

We can't say that all moms shouldn't be allowed phones when they come out with some gems. Screenshotting them means we can appreciate them for weeks, or maybe even years to come!13. Okay, some moms have the hang of it...

Tiffany Beveridge is a creative writer and blogger who is having a little too much fun on Pinterest right now. In reality, she has two average-dressed sons (aged 10 and 14) but on her parody Pinterest account, she has Quinoa, a super-mega hipster daughter who is always dressed to the fly and this mom has plenty to say about society's best-dressed tots and adolescents. Quinoa and her friends may be imaginary but Tiffany's quick sense of humor is very real and trust me, you're going to laugh hysterically.
