10+ Stories of Celebrities Being Nice Because The Rest Are Being Awful
We need this comprehensive list of nice celebrities more than ever.

As allegation after allegation rolls in shining light on just how gross some of our favorite celebrities are the world has kind of been sinking into a sense of despair.
It's just depressing to see that some of pop culture's idols have a dark side in the underbelly of Hollywood. While some accusations have left us kind of not surprised, others have left us feeling kind of bewildered (George Takei? Why?) Yet among the Kevin Spacey's and the Louie CK's has risen something inspiring:
People are sharing allegations of celebrities being nice. Not to make light of sexual assault, but to try and give us something to enjoy all the chaos we are seeing as each new nasty allegation lines up.
Quite frankly, we need this positivity.
Tom Hanks
The scoundrel.

Peter Jackson
Making dreams come true.

Celine Dion
She may be a diva on a technicality but metaphorically she is a sweetheart.

Lou Diamond Phillips
Nobody picks on cashiers when LDP is around!

Lucy Liu
She can kick your butt but she's really nice so she won't.

Michael Keaton
Nice guy Keaton hangs out with his fans like it's no big deal!

Nick Offerman
Don't let his notorious grump face fool you, Nick Offerman is THE MAN.

Sarah Silverman
She'll make you laugh until it hurts but no matter what she is totally cool with her fans.

"Thanks for the idea, bud."

Jason Alexander
He may not always play a nice guy in television and movies but he's a nice guy in real life.

Tom Hanks
Nicest. Guy. Ever.

Bob Odenkirk
So awesome status confirmed.

Wes Anderson
Appreciative is a nice trait. We wish more people possessed it.

Jesse Eisenburg
The quiet life for this nice guy!

Viggo Mortenson
A real hero.

Keanu Reeves
Notorious good guy Keanu!

David Tennant
He's a lot of Whovian's favorite doctor and a great guy.

Tom Hanks
Somehow, we're not surprised.

Jack Black
No jokes when it comes to giving solid advice to someone in need. Way to go Jack.

Will Forte, Method Man, and Christopher Walken
Nice dudes who smell nice, apparently!

Justin Timberlake
We always figured Justin was a nice guy with a killer sense of humor, it's nice to see that confirmed.

Antonio Banderas
He's got jokes! We can hear his accent in our minds.

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki
All around good guys.

Laura Linney
No one gets left behind when Laura Linney is around.

Emma Watson
Feminist Emma Watson appreciates poems about her. We dig it.

Zack Galifinakis
Put Zack on the list of celebrities you'd totally love to meet.

Chris Martin
The Coldplay lead singer hasn't let his rock-star status stop him from helping sick children.

Keanu Reeves
The ultimate good guy.

Robert De Niro
He's a patient man who understands parenthood.

Kenny G
Smooth guy who plays smooth tunes.

Danny DeVito
Danny is a good tipper!

Danny DeVito
And he's a compassionate guy, too.

The Good Place Cast
The ultimate dream team? Apparently!

Nathan Fillion
He looks out for everyone in the ways that count: food.

Brad Pitt
Nothing but positives for the one and only Brad Pitt.

Kathy Bates
This incredibly talented actress is also an incredibly nice woman.

Salma Hayek
She's a nice woman and she likes to give good tips!

Steve Buscemi
He's got Halloween spirit!
