Photographer Shares 30 Edited Images To Show How Much They Are Being Photoshopped To Entice People

Taking a good picture isn't easy though

Photographer Shares 30 Edited Images To Show How Much They Are Being Photoshopped To Entice People

Getting a good photo is not simple. Getting a great photo is even much more difficult.

Furthermore, it is impossible to take an impossible photo and that is, unless you use Photoshop. Photographer Peter Stewart has millions of views and thousands of followers on social media and he has been featured internationally.

He is also a Photoshop whiz, as evidenced by these eye-opening before and after photos that show the kind of impact that deft editing can achieve. By using a method known as bracketed multiple exposure, he can preserve highlight features from several images before combining them into a single image.

"I like to approach my digital photography with a certain sense of the fantastical and the surreal. As such, I have deliberately provided the most dramatic examples."

The skilled photographer does much of his work with a Nikon D810, which he credits for its exceptional sharpness and wide editing latitude when working with raw files. He recently started using the Fuji X100f as a backup, portable camera to record impromptu moments while traveling.

These before and after samples are simply meant to highlight what can be done with the power of Photoshop, so go ahead and enjoy!

More info: Peter Stewart | 500px | Instagram | Flickr | (h/t: demilkedPetaPixel)

1. Which do you prefer?

1. Which do you prefer?petestew

2. "Color temperature adjustment using Adobe Camera RAW."

2. petestew

3. Before and after Photoshop

3. Before and after Photoshoppetestew

4. "Gradual orange sky gradient and color adjustments were performed in adobe camera raw. Sunrays created in photoshop, with an added glow."

4. petestew

5. The difference is clear

5. The difference is clearpetestew

6. "Nik color efex pro used for post-production color enhancements."

6. petestew

7. A bit of shine here and there

7. A bit of shine here and therepetestew

The small and portable Ricoh GR fulfills the photographer's passion for street photography to the fullest. Hereserves his larger, more complicated DSLR equipment for situations where he is usually tripod-based and has a prearranged setup in mind.

As a full-time traveler, Stewart places a high value on light lenses because every piece of gear he brings with it affects its weight. To span a wide to tele focal range, he typically uses the Nikon 24-70 f/2.8 & Nikon 70-200 f/4 zooms as his main optics.

8. That pop of light

8. That pop of lightpetestew

9. That's definitely not the same

9. That's definitely not the samepetestew

10. The before is preferable

10. The before is preferablepetestew

11. What an edit

11. What an editpetestew

12. And here we go

12. And here we gopetestew

13. "Overexposed image with detail brought back using camera raw. Nik color efex pro used for post-production color."

13. petestew

14. The difference is clear

14. The difference is clearpetestew

15. "Tonal adjustments were made using nik color efex pro. Composite sky blended into the frame manually."

15. petestew

16. Different sunlight

16. Different sunlightpetestew

17. Brighten the rays

17. Brighten the rayspetestew

18. "Perspective re-correction and power line removal in photoshop. Color enhancements using color efex pro."

18. petestew

19. More depiction

19. More depictionpetestew

20. The brightening effect

20. The brightening effectpetestew

21. More painting

21. More paintingpetestew

22. "HDR bracketing manually blended in Photoshop. Nik color efex pro used for post-production."

22. petestew

23. "Various sky adjustments were performed in Photoshop. Nik color efex pro was used for post-production color enhancements."

23. petestew

24. More greenery

24. More greenerypetestew

25. Riding along

25. Riding alongpetestew

26. Oh my

26. Oh mypetestew

27. More lighting

27. More lightingpetestew

28. One's darker than the other

28. One's darker than the otherpetestew

29. "Multiple exposure blended file."

29. petestew

30. Better view

30. Better viewpetestew

There's no end to the things that Photoshop can do and people are making great use of it. It can be quite disappointing to visit a spot and find out that it's nothing like the photoshopped version.

This is what this photographer is bringing to our notice and it's quite eye-opening. Leave your comments below and don't forget to share this post as well.
