Brave Photographer Waits 117 Hours In Freezing Temperatures To Capture First Photos Of Polar Bear Cubs Leaving Their Dens For The First Time
“I usually wear three to five layers–bottom and top–with at least one or two made of down feathers," she says.

Every year, between the middle of February and the middle of March, a major event takes place at Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada: polar bear mothers prepare to leave their maternity dens for the first time since November, accompanied by their newborns. They emerge from their hiding places knowing that pack ice seals are giving birth to their pups on Hudson Bay, providing them with an easy source of food.
Daisy Gilardini, a wildlife photographer and Nikon Ambassador, spent 13 days in the field and waited for 117 hours in subzero temperatures to get the first look at this unique expedition last year. Gilardini not only had to endure a long wait, but she also had to fight with wind gusts of 37 mph to 43 mph.
“It is extremely difficult and rare to witness the exit of the bears from the dens and one has to face extremely challenging conditions,” she says.
“In these temperatures, it is difficult to operate the camera because you need big gloves to prevent your hands from freezing and the cold drains the batteries very fast,” Gilardini explains.
“I always carry at least three sets of newly charged batteries, which I keep in a pocket very close to my body.” But it is all worth it.
The results are spectacular:
Every year, from mid-February to mid-March, a interesting event takes place at the Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada

Polar bear moms leave their maternity dens for the first time since November with their newborns.

Wildlife photographer Daisy Gilardini spent 13 days in the wild, waiting to capture that moment

Gilardini also avoids exposing her equipment to the weather by keeping her camera in her bag when the bears are in their den. Keeping warm is crucial, and this means layering up to three times in those temps.
She continues, "I normally wear three to five layers–bottom and top–with at least one or two made of down feathers." Three pairs of gloves, two pairs of heavy socks, insulated boots, a balaclava, and a neoprene face mask completed her ensemble.
Gilardini's patience was rewarded at the end of her time in the snow. With five different polar bear sightings, she had 12 hours of effective shooting.
When we questioned her about her favorite aspect of the experience, she said:
In the field the most memorable episode is when we encounter this mama bear resting with her two young cubs in a day den on the way to the pack ice. Day dens usually consist of wind-protected areas such as snowdrift refuges or tree shelters.
She was extremely calm when our vehicle reached the location and we could photograph her and the cubs for a few hours before she suddenly decided it was time to leave. She rushed downhill in deep snow when one of the two cubs decided it was much more convenient to hitch a ride on mama's behind.
He jumped and reached out holding on with a firm bite on mama's fur backside: an extremely funny and totally unexpected behavior. Wildlife photography is all about patience and perseverance but despite the challenging conditions and the long hours of waiting, the experience of witnessing something so rare is simply priceless and exhilarating.
And she's done it

She had endured wind gusts reaching 43 mph and freezing temperatures.

Gilardini hopes that her photographs and short video would prompt us to consider how our daily actions affect the environment.
“If humankind wants to survive and evolve with our planet we have to act responsibly,” she says, “by acknowledging with humility that Nature is not depended on us but we are dependent on nature.”
“Science is the brain,” Gilardini continues, “while photography is the heart and we need to reach people's hearts and emotions in order to move them to action, for Nature and for us.”
We couldn't agree more.