Here's A List Of The Punniest Puns That We've Ever Heard
Puns are some of the most fun language jokes to use.

Some people think that puns are the least funniest parts of comedy and humor, while others think that puns lay the foundation for humor. No matter your take on it, you're sure to like these puns or at least giggle at a few of them because of just how ridiculous they are.
Puns are sometimes missed in conversation, which is kind of the point of them, but those who catch onto the puns we make are the ones who speak our same language. There's a lot to puns like knowing when to say then, who to say them, and what the best puns are to use.
With this being said, we're looking at a compiled list of the funniest puns that we know off and we do have to admit that some of these are not the best or they sound like they just came from a dad learning dad jokes, but some of them you're definitely going to want to add into your pun list.
If you're interested then stay tuned as we dive in and give you a look into these puns. Be sure to keep a few for yourself and stash them away for a rainy day when you're looking for something funny or slick to say.
Make sure to say this one out loud so you can really get an idea of what they're saying here.

I love little comics like this because they're always so cute and clever but the joke here is very standard.

We aren't going to lie, we didn't know where this was going until we read the bottom of the image.

This is actually hilarious for so many reasons and we seriously love when people make these types of puns.

Well we can't speak for everyone but this horse sure never hs a bad hair day. The joke was bad though.

Now this is pretty funny but it could also be milk chocolate I guess.

The first one would have been enough for me, there was no need to continue down with all these extras.

I mean how else are you supposed to make it though, respectfully we all brew it, don't we?

I'm actually not even sure how these work so that's pretty funny actually.

He must have been typing something serious or hos ctrl button really wasn't working os he scrapped it.

Now this is hilarious and if two different people did it then that makes it even funnier.

Clearly, it's a Fanta Sea that we'd love to be in especially if it's orange.

This is definitely a joke that someone probably took right off of a Laffy Taffy.

This is actually so funny because I didn't know this was a thing and now I want one.

That is how the saying goes, so they're not wrong about this.

Now this person really loves Yoda and we can tell.

This is a common one that we see used quite often.

Well they're not wrong about that. Probably a boring job.

I actually feel like these might be pretty comfortable though.

This is even funnier if you listen to The Breakfast Club.

Now this is just t oo cute honestly and very creative.

I wouldn't say they are in control of their life though.

Now this one is kind of unique.

Okay this one is pretty cute and can be used in many ways.

This honestly is the funniest one I've read so far.

It's sherbert day everyday if you believe it.

Well now that wasn't as funny as I thought it would be.

Well that's one way to do it.

Yes actually, I do. Thanks.

The extra explanation of the joke just makes it that much better.

We love this one.
Some of these puns are just too funny but some of them kind of missed the mark. We'll definitely be able to adopt some of these and use them in our everyday puns though.
If you want to make someone laugh be sure to send this to them so they can get in on all the punniest puns we have.