Online Group Shares 50 Utterly Dark And "Cursed Comments" That'll Leave You Stunned Or Make You Laugh

If you don't want to go out here's an excuse to sit in and act busy.
Everybody has some time in their life where their awkwardness got the better of them and made a bad situation ten thousand times worse. Even if you claim you don't there's always a point in time where a conversation becomes awkward, someone stands too close, or you just can't answer that way-too-personal question. Or you could be one of those people that's just socially awkward all the time! And that's okay too because you're definitely not alone.
These memes prove that the people who'd rather spend their Friday nights alone (or with their cat) are actually in agreement with a lot of other people. So snuggle up, turn off your phone, and prepare to tell everyone you're sorry you missed their call, "I was just crazy busy."