Waiter Receives Touching Letter From Teens Who Left Him With Only A $3.28 Tip The Previous Day

We live in a generation where kids aren't being raised the way they use to. but it looks like there's still hope.

Waiter Receives Touching Letter From Teens Who Left Him With Only A $3.28 Tip The Previous Day

Having a job at a restaurant isn't easy and that's why it's very important to always leave the waiter a generous tip. Unfortunately, one waiter experienced the opposite when he served a group of teenagers who were going out to eat all by themselves for the first time. Upon doing everything possible to make sure they had a good experience, he was frustrated to find out that they had left with just a $3.28 tip.

“Nothing more frustrating than when I get little to nothing for a tip and the customer is smiling and thanking me profusely as they exit,” he said. 

We live in a generation where kids aren't being raised the way that they use to, but what the teenagers decided to do next is what really makes this story special. The teenagers, realizing their mistake, decided to leave a nice surprise for the waiter the next day and it completely changed his attitude towards them. Scroll down to check out what made him to change his mind, restoring his faith in people and parenting!

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