Bill Gates' 15 Bold Predictions From 25 Years Ago That All Came True
Did you know? Bill Gates saw reddit's rise coming!

At the start of the 21st century, technology was growing fast, and many people were trying to guess what the future would look like. Some of these guesses were way off, while others were surprisingly accurate.
One person who made some impressive predictions is Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft. In 1999, he wrote a book called Business @ the Speed of Thought, where he shared his ideas about how technology would shape the future. Many things he predicted back then are now part of our everyday lives.
People often roll their eyes when they hear someone claim they can predict the future, and it's easy to see why. Plenty of people make vague predictions that can be twisted to fit different situations, and then they say, "See, I was right!" when one of those predictions happens to come true.
But Gates didn’t rely on lucky guesses. His predictions were specific, and many have come true, showing he deeply understood where technology was heading.
Of course, Gates had an advantage because he was already working in the tech industry, but his accuracy is impressive. His predictions weren't just about Microsoft and how technology would affect everyone.
He saw how the internet and other advancements would change our lives and work. Here are his forecasts.
1. Price comparison sites
Price comparison platforms like Compare the Market, Moneysupermarket, and Google Products have simplified finding the best deals on various products, from credit cards to new shoes and travel insurance.
"Automated price comparison services will be developed, allowing people to see prices across multiple websites, making it effortless to find the cheapest product for all industries."

2. Mobile phones
Bill Gates recognized the potential of mobile technology when he discussed it in his book. He envisioned a future where people would carry small devices, stay connected, and conduct business from anywhere.
"They will be able to check the news, see flights they have booked, get information from financial markets, and do just about anything else on these devices."

3. Online finance
"People will pay their bills, take care of their finances, and communicate with their doctors over the internet."
Local banks used to be the main places to handle big financial transactions, but that’s changed.
Now, we can use the internet to pay for things, send money to friends, and check our bank accounts from anywhere. This change was expected, and it’s clear that how we manage money has evolved.
The medical field has also kept up with this trend. Many companies now offer online consultations, digital prescriptions, and data-driven healthcare, making it easier to access medical services.

4. Virtual assistants
He didn't specifically say we'd be shouting “Alexa” at a small device for jokes, but Gates imagined we’d have automated helpers by now. He thought these “personal companions” would make our lives more accessible in the future.
"They will connect and sync all your devices in a smart way, whether they are at home or in the office, and allow them to exchange data.
The device will check your email or notifications, and present the information that you need. When you go to the store, you can tell it what recipes you want to prepare, and it will generate a list of ingredients that you need to pick up.
It will inform all the devices that you use of your purchases and schedule, allowing them to automatically adjust to what you're doing."

5. Home-monitoring systems
Gates saw technologies like Ring doorbells and Google Nest coming, considering them better versions of regular CCTV cameras. And he might not have predicted we’d be able to check our front doors through a mobile app, but he was still mostly correct.
"Constant video feeds of your house will become common, which inform you when somebody visits while you are not home."

6. Social media
"Private websites for your friends and family will be common, allowing you to chat and plan for events." wrote Bill Gates.
In 1999, staying in touch with friends meant using a landline or visiting them in person. Yet, Gates envisioned a future where everyone would be deeply connected.
While social media isn’t quite a "private website," platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, along with messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, make it easy to contact various groups, whether big or small constantly.

7. Auto-generated adverts
"Software that knows when you've booked a trip and uses that information to suggest activities at the local destination. It suggests activities, discounts, offers, and cheaper prices for all the things that you want to take part in."

8. Smart adverts
Ads are everywhere these days. Just mention wanting a new pair of shoes to a friend, and your screen will be bombarded with trainer ads. Even Gates anticipated this shift.
"Devices will have smart advertising. They will know your purchasing trends, and will display advertisements that are tailored toward your preferences."

9. Sports discussion websites
"While watching a sports competition on television, services will allow you to discuss what is going on live, and enter a contest where you vote on who you think will win."

10. Links to sites during live TV
"Television broadcast will include links to relevant websites and content that complement what you are watching."
Gates anticipated the growing presence of ads in our daily lives, envisioning a future where commercials would include links for viewers to look them up online, scan QR codes, or follow brands on social media.

11. Virtual discussion boards
Like the rise of social media, Gates anticipated that the internet would enable us to connect virtually and engage in conversations about the issues that matter most to us with friends and neighbors.
"Residents of cities and countries will be able to have internet-based discussions concerning issues that affect them, such as local politics, city planning, or safety,"

12. Online communities
"Online communities will not be influenced by your location, but rather, your interest."
Gates envisioned a future where people could connect over shared interests, reaching like-minded individuals across the globe without distance limitations. Interestingly, he saw the potential for something like Reddit long before it existed.

13. Project-management software
Apps like Slack, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Teams have benefited the modern workplace. Interestingly, Gates had a vision for digital office solutions 25 years ago when he discussed project management software.
"Project managers looking to put a team together will be able to go online, describe the project, and receive recommendations for available people who would fit their requirements."

14. Online recruiting
LinkedIn has transformed how people search for jobs and stay in touch with their current and former colleagues. It offers a convenient platform for networking and provides a ready-made CV that recruiters can easily access.
Gates highlighted the potential for professional connectivity in this space in his book.
"Similarly, people looking for work will be able to find employment opportunities online by declaring their interest, needs, and specialised skills."

15. Business community software
"Companies will be able to bid on jobs, whether they are looking for a construction project, a movie production, or an advertising campaign.
This will be efficient for both big companies that want to outsource work that they don't usually face, businesses looking for new clients, and corporations that don't have a go-to provider for the said service."
Nowadays, platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Craigslist allow small businesses to easily connect with clients and freelancers.

Bill Gates's predictions from 1999 give us a clear look at the future we’re living in today. His ideas about technology weren’t just guesses; they came from his solid understanding of the field.
Many of his forecasts have actually come true, showing how much progress we’ve made. It's interesting to see how technology keeps changing and affecting our daily lives and how we connect.