Tatted Sphynx Cat Rescued From Mexican Prison After Gang Members Escaped During New Year's Day Prison Break
Authorities suspect the cat was held down while the prisoners marked it with their symbol.

After a daring New Year's Day prison break, a 1-year-old tattooed sphynx cat was rescued from a Mexican prison. Some contraband were confiscated during the raid, but the authorities were caught off-guard by the illegally kept animal branded with a gang symbol and a "Made in Mexico" tattoo on both sides of its body.
Nine other pets were thankfully rescued at the Ciudad Juarez Cereso 3 prison during the raid, but the spotlight was on the sphynx cat. The cat was given immediate medical attention to ensure it had no pressing health issues.
Reports vary if the cat suffered from any infections. The ecology gave the former gang cat a clean bill of health, while the animal welfare vet said the cat had to be treated for minor eye and ear infections.
Apart from that, the authorities suspect that the cat was forcibly held down while prisoners tattooed both sides of its body. According to local regulations, mutilations and branding of animals were considered illegal.
Despite the suffering the cat endured in its young life, it remained friendly to its rescuers. The veterinary director found the cat's affectionate nature amusing.
The abused cat did not get along with other animals but was harmless to people. Along with the attention, authorities received an outpouring of support and interest to adopt the cat from concerned locals.
The cat's prison gang tattoos didn't discourage animal lovers from reaching out to adopt it.

After a short trip to the vet's office, the cat was ready for its new life. The veterinarian made sure the cat was healthy enough to be adopted.

The poor cat went through unnecessary pain for its "Made in Mexico" tattoo.

Despite what the cat went through, it still has a zest for life.

The press conference to announce the cat's adoption brought a ton of support for its new life with its forever family.

Wasn't it enough for the cat to suffer through a life in prison? It was a touch too cruel for them to tattoo it.

They held the poor animal down to mark it. What was the purpose of that?

Fortunately, animal lovers outnumber those who would cause them harm.

Make that reformed gangster, friend.

It was for this exact reason that the authorities kept the identity of those who adopted the cat anonymous.

The local government handled the adoption of the cat. The family who took the cat home was carefully vetted to ensure the welfare of the reluctant former gang member.
The last update was the cat happily living with its forever family somewhere in Texas. The leader of the gang the cat belonged to was killed during a shootout.
25 prisoners escaped during the daring New Year's Day prison break. Unfortunately, 10 guards were killed that day.
Along with the tatted sphynx cat, 9 other illegally kept animals were found in the prison. The authorities also found a mechanical bull, bulletproof vests, industrial refrigerators, guns, ammunition, and $55k in cash were recovered from the belongings of the escaped prisoners.